Qonklese cuisine

From Abzû
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Qonklese cuisine is the broad term to describe the various local culinary traditions found among the Kwang in Qonklaks. Although it excludes the culinary traditions of the Öwi and Kūfa, their influences on Qonklese cuisine cannot be ignored.

Staple foods

The climate of the Ji River drainage basin allowed for the early domestication of rice at around 10,000 BCE, remaining by far the most popular grain in Qonklaks.


Rice (Kwang: gwaiq 'cooked rice') is the staple food throughout most of Qonklaks, whose abundant river systems provide the necessary environment for large-scale river cultivation. Rice is so important to the Qonklese diet that cultural-bound symptoms of depression can be found among overseas Qonklese in regions where rice is difficult to come by or not found at all.


Noodles are subcategorized into either khwì ('rice-noodles') or lhwè ('noodle'). Khwì denotes any sort of noodle that is made from rice flour, while lhwè denotes noodles made from any other grain, most commonly wheat or buckwheat.


  • Khwìcha: rice noodles that are thin but cut wide, typically around 1.5 to 2 centimeters in width. Typically purchased freshly rolled and cut as it is difficult to dry.
  • Khwìmaun: rice noodles that are almost hair-like in appearance. Typically purchased in its dried form.
  • Khwìlwe: rice noodles that are made by shaving pieces of dough into boiling water with a curved blade. Typically either eaten at restaurants or made at home.