Arise, Undying Sun
Lyrics | IPA | English |
Evtháxa, Nóc Âlíostryo! Nissen m'-eïfisaImveova, Eömfiní! Ouse eamfeávan tuxaMascebathon teongon easágha ouseaíSel clieroír séxitim feidhoí iaögoí | [ef.ˈθ ˈnok ha.ˈlis.trjo ˈniɕ.ɕen me.ˈ]
[ˈĩ e.õ.fi.ˈni uʑ jã.ˈfja.van ˈ] [mas.ˈθon ˈtɕõ.gon ja.ˈza.ɣa u.ˈʑi] [ɕel klir.ˈwir .ˈɕek.ɕi.tɕim fið.ˈwi ja.o.ˈgwi] |
Arise, Undying Sun! Bring forth the dawnFree yourselves, Children of the World! Embrace the grace of GodDestroy the grave degeneration of the eraSo that we may be free of corrupting sin |
P'-uvis, Veráva, cuímmas lopáu bin më chtaráu?Tháxatis më m'-érimdh muríarad dendë prodáu?Tarítië soígir; coulencais më tid?U-spécair bin crúdun dendë ibídid | [ˈpy.vis ve.ˈ ˈkwim.mas lo.ˈpaw bin mə xta.ˈraw]
[ˈθɕis mə ˈme.rimð my.ˈri.rad ˈdʑẽ.dʑə pro.ˈdaw] [ta.ˈri.tɕi.ə ˈswi.gir ˈku.lẽ.kes mə ˈtɕid] [y.ˈspe.ker bin ˈkry.dyn ˈdʑẽ.dʑə i.ˈbi.dʑid] |
Do you, O Nation, hear the wretched cannons of our enemy?Will you rise to join the battle against the horde?The Fatherland calls; will you answer?It asks us for a test of loyalty |